Thursday, June 25, 2015

The Way of EdenDust: The 09.01.1998 VISION, Reborn 01.01.2007

Envisioning EdenDust in September of 1998 has truly transformed my life.., and my theology.

I don't say much about the latter, but I blog often about about the former. Today, I'm going to share a little about the Evolution of EDEN, the man inside of the vision.

Moving to New Mexico, without the promise of a job, from the metropolis of New York City was considered by many to be the beginning of the end of everything.., especially my sanity. But having only visited here for three weeks back in 2006, I just felt strongly that I had to leave everything 'safe' in NYC for the uncertainty of the desert.., or lose the best parts of my humanity, if I remained in that urban jungle. I know many are desperate to experience NYC and I pray everyone gets the chance to fulfill whatever dreams they have for themselves but I do have one word of caution in the blind pursuit of your passion.., just be sure your passion is your calling.

To make it in NYC or any other place, one can forget to pursue the LIGHT in the pursuit of their passion. I can only advise you not to compromise. Coming to the desert, I am slowly learning a simpler approach to life and for me, that has saved me from even trying to compete with the multi-million dollar promotional and marketing machines that finance so many with no vision, no life experience and unfortunately, very little integrity in their craft or honest conviction as to why they're performing except to become famous. When all that fails, many will settle for infamy as witnessed on the majority of reality shows.

WHERE IS THE LIGHT in our artistry?

We can't criticize the business any longer if we refuse to believe in or support those artists that are truly writing and performing from sacred and anointed places. Hear me clearly, this is a plea for more truthfulness in all our crafts. This world is struggling to right itself and whether we wish to accept it or not, more money is spent in the entertainment industry than on the federal military budget. This is not exaggeration. Consider the intake of the GAMING, DVD, FILM, MUSIC, SPORTS industries and the STREAMING and Physical entities of the aforementioned and is there any wonder how they can afford the salaries, film budgets and technology that continues to move their industry forward while the health, education and affordable housing industries erode from neglect? 
I was a young boy during the most critical moments in the Civil Rights Movement of the sixties, but I remember how important the music and films produced during that time period were to bringing awareness to the plight of the disenfranchised and of the injustices that passed for law. Much of that artistry is still resonating for it's purity of purpose and intention.  
I long to be that kind of producer/artist. 
I long to do formally what I've done personally for many years now. 
I long to make a difference by being a part of the solution and no longer just a harbinger that talks incessantly about the ills of our land.

WHERE IS THE LIGHT in our artistry?

I know there are many, like myself, that are not only sick, but extremely tired of the dribble we are being fed on any given day as 'the best' in our various mediums and crafts. I know how easy it is to grow resentful of those that have so much.., and yet, do so little and say even less. 
All I can do is my best and I purpose to not be afraid anymore to speak up and share my own reality, in hopes that by doing so, I might find the kindred spirits and the desperate support I need to make my passion to SHARE LIGHT with the world, a reality.

EdenDust at it's core is a seed of a visionary place.., a home for wayfaring artists to be nurtured and encouraged as well as supported while they develop into the Advocates, Soldiers and LIGHT Bearers this world needs.
I'm burdened by the enormity of my vision no longer. I knew when I left NYC, why I was called into the desert.., and for the longest time, I've tried to hide my LIGHT, perhaps even to snuff it out by subjugating my purpose, call and will in the employ of others, just to be left alone, to not have to truly care..,
and certainly not to do anything to make a difference.

But I can be silent no longer.

I've seen the LIGHT in so many through the years, wishing to assist them more and have been powerless to help them. Hollow encouragement in the end doesn't give the needed leg up and placement in this world so that their LIGHT can fully shine. Am I asking for help with this vision? Without a doubt.., 'tho, let me be clear, if I've been any encouragement to anyone ever, I pray you'll read what I've written with a particular clarity. If I don't' know you and I've moved you to know more and make an introduction, I welcome hearing your testimony.
All I want to do is pursue the eventual dream of building a hub for others to join in virtually or physically.
This will be the hardest thing I may ever do.., but I must.

What's the point of being a VISIONARY if all my life
I'm going to continue to play it safely? 

I've had this vision since 1998 of a creative, spiritual artist community that I've never fully realized mainly because I attempted to 'build' it in NYC. Now, I live in New Mexico and when I moved here, I knew that this could be 'the place'.
It's taken a couple of years, now, to become acclimated to this new environment and now I pray it's time to begin in earnest.

First, I believe I need LAND.

After that I need to establish the first building/home with the cornerstone business that makes it all work and presently I Believe this is to be is a visual production facility to take advantage of the burgeoning video industry that will be capable of producing film shorts and commercials to enhance the branding of the vision. Beyond the production house, a 'green' recording studio (solar powered) in the desert, as I'm connected to several enlightened artists that would love to record and leave less of a footprint in doing so and they all desire to record outside of those major markets that do nothing to nurture your soul.   
 In time, a chapel / performance stage will be added to create the perfect opportunity for intimate concerts, plays and other visual workshops. 
Just imagine, a working artist community, where everything is done 'in house' and you'll have a sense of the Vision, The Way of EdenDust.

The continual need to create such a vision is monumental, no doubt, but my desire and obedience is greater because my will to succeed and BE a blessing to others with similar creative, spiritual visions is life-affirming to me. 
If you've interested in knowing how specifically you might collaborate, feel free to contact me directly at ...
If you're the silent contributor type, that same email address is
also my PayPal account.
I used to be ashamed to ask for help, but I understand now, that I am the Vision and the Vision is in Me, but I can and will NEVER do this all alone.

Today, I hope I've opened the door to your heart to consider that
WE can change our world..,
one artist, one song, one screenplay, one work of art,
one well chosen act of kindness, at a time.
The Magic of WE.



And then all that has divided us will merge - 
Then compassion will be wedded to power
And then softness will come to a world that is harsh and unkind -
And then both women and men will be gentle - 
And then both women and men will be strong
And then no person will be subject to another's will -
And then all will be rich and free and varied - 
And then the greed of some will give way to the needs of many
Then all will share equally in the Earth's abundance -
And then all will care for the sick and the weak and the old - 
And then all will nourish the young
And then all will cherish life's creatures -
And then all will live in harmony with each other and the environment

And then everywhere in the world will be called EDEN, once again.

Brother EDEN Douglas aka EDENintheDESERT


BrotherEDEN said...

Thank you Jack Jackson for you post and acknowledgement. I have written to you, privately, in detail, in response.

Unknown said...

Very well done I love this and hope we can make this a reality for you Eden

BrotherEDEN said...

Thank you, Brother ... for being on this journey with me .

1998. Noble Pursuit

This song was birthed in a turbulent time of my journey. I was living in a studio apartment in Union City, New Jersey, two years sober, nurs...